Saturday, May 16, 2009

Circle of Life

Once there was someone who taught me about birth

Who taught me about power

Who told me I could do anything

Who helped me believe

In a blanket of safety that I could do anything

I think she thought she was only allowing me to remember all that I already knew

and she was right this life had I missed her teaching I would've missed all that I already knew

and without her I would no doubt have missed the most amazing experience of this life

I was given a great gift by my midwife

The space to feel and know my own power

The room to remember and own it

The time to allow it to unfold as it should have

As it did

And great, deep respect for the process of birth

She is in my life now for many other reasons

but today I would like to thank the her before she was my friend

the her that openly supported me and my partner with no reservations

She may have only been the holder of the key

but she gave it to me and without that gift

I would not be me now

Thank you for passing on the wisdom

The ripple only swells and continues to grow


and thanks

1 comment:

  1. I read this first in the morning and lost my reply. So needed that, teary and sweet. Thanks for returning the favor by keeping it real and juicy and glorious in this life! You remind me to keep the channel clear so the gifts can express themselves and grow. Your gratitude attitude is always inspiring.
