Monday, April 13, 2009

The Void

The block
comes from the void.

I have not painted in over a week. Not been to the studio but to drop off some things.
I had a wonderful week of visiting and friends and meals and being with my children which was truly WONDERFUL.


I now know why my creativity has been stalled.

Today was the day I was going "back to work."

but little fairy dancer twirler had a croupy cough the night before and a BARELY there fever this morning. But my good Mommy self said "self, keep her home today, she needs rest and it's the school policy you know."

So I did. She was wild and romping and not fevery at all. She's going in tomorrow.

It may have been one unexpected day over the limit of happy doing for other bliss that I had mapped out.

So, we made a big pot of soup and played and changed outfits an awful lot and we did a lot of laundry.

But tonight I realize that all of that space I've had before this last week has given me time to be with myself.
To create
to nurture my true passion that is all about what I want and what I need.

So, I sit down tonight in the block and realize that tomorrow I will paint again for a few hours at least and all of a sudden. The flow is back.

I take much better care of those around me when given the space to take proper care of myself.

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