Thursday, March 19, 2009

March. December ... who's counting?

Sometimes things fall right into place.
Like the second half of a big pot of chili
or the perfect moment to remember to give a gift.

These moments observed with clarity remind me to be patient.
To wait and see.
Things will happen in a perfect order if you let them.

Oh, If we could all just relax a bit.
even in a chaotic fury
have the peace of mind
that means just that
"peace of mind"

I'm off to deliver a half a pot of chili to my good, ill friend.
I made WAY too much for some reason and found the perfect spot for it to land.
and then remembered that I had her Christmas present still. But this was the time to give it!
So...get well soon Mama Roo and Merry Christmas.


  1. thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. that was delish, truly. the first food in two days and i gobbled it down. and i don't even know what to say about the gift, which seemed to fly into my hands at exactly the right moment. you are magic!

  2. glad you liked it up!
