Thursday, March 26, 2009


There are things that I know
Also things that I know
but I don't know I know them.

I am surprised every time it happens

those psychic dreams

not much more satisfying, comforting or reassuring then that

It's that electronic connection
the kind that can't be denied

even when you walk around with all of those well formed concious beliefs
then you fall asleep one night and wake up with a memory of an experience that is so relevant and not of your waking brain.

It's like..BAM... you're on, you're in the flow

and that is where I'm striving to be.

So when those thoughts of same images roll in line even in different time zones

Or situations play out using coded letters that don't mean anything until you tell the story

Remember that it is all to remind you of that great big thing you are a part of that is so much bigger then this human experience. As magnificant as it is, humanity is only part of your story.
Only the is the energy that is you that can morph and transform. When we regocognize that energy and allow it to be us anything is possible.

So here is to dreams that are on

and the evolution of electronic communication....

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