Thursday, July 8, 2010

packing for the ride

Well, it is that time again.

to escape

to the green cover out east.

Only for the afternoon and a night and a morning

but that can so very long indeed

it has been raining a lot that means that the landscape will be totally changed

can't wait to soak in all that new, green, lush growth

ready to feel small among the trees

ready to feel quiet among the sounds of the crickets, birds and frogs

ready to open my heart to the great gratitude that floods it each time we get to dance in that enchanted place that waits for us when ever we make the journey

The change of scene can wash you clean and activate your wildest dreams

Knowing for sure that I will watch my children run free and explore and investigate and just be out in the open, where the buzz from the city is far away and we fall asleep under the bright white stars listening to the cries of enchanted peacocks

waking to drink coffee and run out to hold the chickens. Those easter chicks that have grown. All fuzzy and new tangled in easter sugar now making the farm element real and tangible. In a few months we can begin looking for eggs from them.

This is the key, right here...this insanely magical experience that seemed to drop down with no effort. in our laps. It is so big and came so easily.

When do I make the corrolation that it is connected to everything else we do? it is gratitude repaid, effort showing up sideways.....part of the do we miss this? It is so good that we are going there very a unit....four and a dog to run through the woods together and happy and free and floooded with knowing, flooded with magic, flooded with graciousness...taking the time to open our eyes and appreciate what has fallen into our lives.

Taking the time to watch the intricate spiderwebs that cover the untouched land.
Taking the time see ourselves as the spider.....
the intricate connections we make that hold space for us, even if forget to see it.
The webs that we walk into when we are not looking closely enough to our surroundings.

Oh this is good and I must write in here saves so much time. Processes so quickly, records all of the insight that blows away in the wind.

I am off to pack a suitcase full of gratitude for an overnight stay in an enchanted place where dreams really do come true.


  1. beautiful! have a fabulous, restorative stay.

  2. So sappy sweet and true it makes hear the Chicago song 'everybody needs a little time away, just for the day...' love your friend you should have met in 7th grade

  3. And I say that while taking a break from planning a month long road trip in Europe, including italian beaches on three coasts, the castle that inspired the cinderella castle in Germany, Rome, and the lavendar fileds of France. So lucky, yeah, I get it.... can I take it? Inspire me more, let us say yes we who knows how these drop in our laps but my gratitude is deep.
