Friday, July 9, 2010

late night flow

As I sit poised upon a perch I wonder to myself how do these words come

......from where?

How does my hand remember how to hit the keys just right?

What part of my brain is working

What part of me is aware of what I am doing...for it certainly is not me

the me that I understand with absolute resolve

The me that I have been taught is me

Where does this stream begin

where does it cross over to that path of sea-ness

when do I become it

when it, me?

How does the hand know to stitch, or sew, or chop, or fluff, or drive a car, a plane

this is all a bit insane.

and yes, it's true, I've had some rum, and quite a bit of fun

but it is only lubricant for that which is different,

a stream, a thought a moment frozen in that illusion of time

that space of connectedness

that is us

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