Friday, July 2, 2010

Hello World can you hear me?

Well, I have not been here for a while. Thinking it might spark some creative flow to write.

The paints have been put away and it seems my mind doesn't turn quite as smoothly when I think so much

So practical these functional.

An interesting paradox of actions and things that I do.

bouncing back and forth shape shifting gets tiresome.
so I vow to stay liquid and flow through it all. Oh, see how quickly things emerge when you just open the door and creativity flows through. That really is the nectar of life....

what makes things grow....the ideas that turn into matter.

Realize how powerful you are and how much potential you hold. Think, create....things that were not here before you put them into motion. Can we all grasp that for a moment...we would not worry so if we could reconnect to that infinite possiblity.

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