Oh yes, the beginning of the week.
So new and not the weekend it is.
Ready to step forward with these new shiny shoes.
Ready to make an impact and feel the wind on my cheeks.
As I move forward through this place.
I remember as a child wondering if we were all just having a big dream together
hmmm.......that was a pretty good thought for a seven year old
because sometimes it really feels that we are
I wonder where we will be when we wake up?
As a child I imagined it was on a small white cot with no blankets....all of us in a huge room sleeping on these cots.
Maybe now I will imagine us all invisible being the sky above, looking down on our bodies as we dream this dream.
I can imagine more I guess because I have seen more than I did at 7.
I wonder what I will imagine at 80?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Last Year's Post
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Be Strong
For it is within you
The fibers of your muscles will grow
if challenged.
Be Strong
Your heart will work for you
pumping life through your veins
care for it well.
Be Strong
you are in charge of your thoughts
no one else can get into your mind unless you grant them access
Be Strong
it is all within you
we are all able to be
exactly who we chose to be
Be Strong
for when you can not do it on your own
rest assured that those who love you will be there
and you will always be surrounded
with exactly what you need.
Be Strong
be yourself, completely and your life will shine with brilliance
Be Strong
against all odds, use your gifts..they were given to you for a
Be Strong
and have a beautiful day, full of gratitude!
Kitchen Sink
Really now
Each time I think I have been blown away by something I get another dose.
This time unspeakable kindness, a gesture of such heartwarming proportions I can barely breathe from the sheer amount of gratitude that is filling my lungs.
It is like being at the beginning ride or the end of a marathon
Knowing that it will simply shift into something else
but I am sure to stop and bend down and smell the sweet perfume of these roses
Give thanks for each cell of my body each wave of my spirit each moment that should not be washed by.
The knowing that nothing is in vain, even if it takes a while to show up.
And can I vouch for the power of the moon?!!!!
When you call in the forces of the wind it is no joke....things move fast
and there is no mistaking the correlation.
So, deep within the hodgepodge of this post is story unfolding just exactly as it should.
I am so glad that I listened to those three little birds regardless of the circumstances
Even while cursing at my spiritual guides with frustration and tears...I followed the guidance and pushed on farther and like a wave crashing down, all of the pressure was released
and now I stand in the wake, stunned and engulfed in the golden, glistening light of the sun.
Today will be a great day!
Each time I think I have been blown away by something I get another dose.
This time unspeakable kindness, a gesture of such heartwarming proportions I can barely breathe from the sheer amount of gratitude that is filling my lungs.
It is like being at the beginning ride or the end of a marathon
Knowing that it will simply shift into something else
but I am sure to stop and bend down and smell the sweet perfume of these roses
Give thanks for each cell of my body each wave of my spirit each moment that should not be washed by.
The knowing that nothing is in vain, even if it takes a while to show up.
And can I vouch for the power of the moon?!!!!
When you call in the forces of the wind it is no joke....things move fast
and there is no mistaking the correlation.
So, deep within the hodgepodge of this post is story unfolding just exactly as it should.
I am so glad that I listened to those three little birds regardless of the circumstances
Even while cursing at my spiritual guides with frustration and tears...I followed the guidance and pushed on farther and like a wave crashing down, all of the pressure was released
and now I stand in the wake, stunned and engulfed in the golden, glistening light of the sun.
Today will be a great day!
Monday, July 12, 2010
hot bath
I am putting it all in the hot bath tonight
filling it with all that doesn't serve me
all that needs to soak it's way out
leaving me refreshed and relaxed and so put back together
I am climbing this mountain and know that the other side is near
remembering to look back at all of the hills and mountains I have climbed before
knowing they life will be sure to continue sending them
they are hard
and that means I am alive
and I am grateful for that....and looking forward to the next green valley
and I am not writing about the bath anymore
maybe I just needed to soak in the page a bit.
naaaa I'm taking a hot bath as well!
filling it with all that doesn't serve me
all that needs to soak it's way out
leaving me refreshed and relaxed and so put back together
I am climbing this mountain and know that the other side is near
remembering to look back at all of the hills and mountains I have climbed before
knowing they life will be sure to continue sending them
they are hard
and that means I am alive
and I am grateful for that....and looking forward to the next green valley
and I am not writing about the bath anymore
maybe I just needed to soak in the page a bit.
naaaa I'm taking a hot bath as well!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Waking up to a beautiful weekend.
I am reinvented
focused on the joy
the happiness
what is working so well
a study in energy
this writing a part of the equation
a shift of consciousness
can actually change the chemistry of the mind
the body
the spirit
and so I have returned
from a big ball of struggle
so happy to be in the flow
just in time
to scoop it all up with open arms and
allow it to become me
cell by cell
connection to it all
once again
remembering that it is like birth a little at a time
patterning through
head showing them disappearing
then showing some more
this was just a very long contraction but a progressive one I'm sure
I am reinvented
focused on the joy
the happiness
what is working so well
a study in energy
this writing a part of the equation
a shift of consciousness
can actually change the chemistry of the mind
the body
the spirit
and so I have returned
from a big ball of struggle
so happy to be in the flow
just in time
to scoop it all up with open arms and
allow it to become me
cell by cell
connection to it all
once again
remembering that it is like birth a little at a time
patterning through
head showing them disappearing
then showing some more
this was just a very long contraction but a progressive one I'm sure
Friday, July 9, 2010
late night flow
As I sit poised upon a perch I wonder to myself how do these words come
......from where?
How does my hand remember how to hit the keys just right?
What part of my brain is working
What part of me is aware of what I am doing...for it certainly is not me
the me that I understand with absolute resolve
The me that I have been taught is me
Where does this stream begin
where does it cross over to that path of sea-ness
when do I become it
when it, me?
How does the hand know to stitch, or sew, or chop, or fluff, or drive a car, a plane
this is all a bit insane.
and yes, it's true, I've had some rum, and quite a bit of fun
but it is only lubricant for that which is different,
a stream, a thought a moment frozen in that illusion of time
that space of connectedness
that is us
......from where?
How does my hand remember how to hit the keys just right?
What part of my brain is working
What part of me is aware of what I am doing...for it certainly is not me
the me that I understand with absolute resolve
The me that I have been taught is me
Where does this stream begin
where does it cross over to that path of sea-ness
when do I become it
when it, me?
How does the hand know to stitch, or sew, or chop, or fluff, or drive a car, a plane
this is all a bit insane.
and yes, it's true, I've had some rum, and quite a bit of fun
but it is only lubricant for that which is different,
a stream, a thought a moment frozen in that illusion of time
that space of connectedness
that is us
Oh Sweet Manatee
I screamed with the true excitement of a child.
"Oh my God, there is a Manatee"
about four feet away from me...huge and sweet and just so big, gliding by like it ain't no thing.
Then it came up for air with it's sweet nose....
later in the day it returned again to say hello
a magical day in yet another magical place.
Can I take it?
Yes I can!!!
"Oh my God, there is a Manatee"
about four feet away from me...huge and sweet and just so big, gliding by like it ain't no thing.
Then it came up for air with it's sweet nose....
later in the day it returned again to say hello
a magical day in yet another magical place.
Can I take it?
Yes I can!!!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
packing for the ride
Well, it is that time again.
to escape
to the green cover out east.
Only for the afternoon and a night and a morning
but that can so very long indeed
it has been raining a lot that means that the landscape will be totally changed
can't wait to soak in all that new, green, lush growth
ready to feel small among the trees
ready to feel quiet among the sounds of the crickets, birds and frogs
ready to open my heart to the great gratitude that floods it each time we get to dance in that enchanted place that waits for us when ever we make the journey
The change of scene can wash you clean and activate your wildest dreams
Knowing for sure that I will watch my children run free and explore and investigate and just be out in the open, where the buzz from the city is far away and we fall asleep under the bright white stars listening to the cries of enchanted peacocks
waking to drink coffee and run out to hold the chickens. Those easter chicks that have grown. All fuzzy and new tangled in easter sugar now making the farm element real and tangible. In a few months we can begin looking for eggs from them.
This is the key, right here...this insanely magical experience that seemed to drop down with no effort. in our laps. It is so big and came so easily.
When do I make the corrolation that it is connected to everything else we do? it is gratitude repaid, effort showing up sideways.....part of the fairytale.....how do we miss this? It is so good that we are going there today.....so very good...as a unit....four and a dog to run through the woods together and happy and free and floooded with knowing, flooded with magic, flooded with graciousness...taking the time to open our eyes and appreciate what has fallen into our lives.
Taking the time to watch the intricate spiderwebs that cover the untouched land.
Taking the time see ourselves as the spider.....
the intricate connections we make that hold space for us, even if forget to see it.
The webs that we walk into when we are not looking closely enough to our surroundings.
Oh this is good and I must write in here everyday....it saves so much time. Processes so quickly, records all of the insight that blows away in the wind.
I am off to pack a suitcase full of gratitude for an overnight stay in an enchanted place where dreams really do come true.
to escape
to the green cover out east.
Only for the afternoon and a night and a morning
but that can so very long indeed
it has been raining a lot that means that the landscape will be totally changed
can't wait to soak in all that new, green, lush growth
ready to feel small among the trees
ready to feel quiet among the sounds of the crickets, birds and frogs
ready to open my heart to the great gratitude that floods it each time we get to dance in that enchanted place that waits for us when ever we make the journey
The change of scene can wash you clean and activate your wildest dreams
Knowing for sure that I will watch my children run free and explore and investigate and just be out in the open, where the buzz from the city is far away and we fall asleep under the bright white stars listening to the cries of enchanted peacocks
waking to drink coffee and run out to hold the chickens. Those easter chicks that have grown. All fuzzy and new tangled in easter sugar now making the farm element real and tangible. In a few months we can begin looking for eggs from them.
This is the key, right here...this insanely magical experience that seemed to drop down with no effort. in our laps. It is so big and came so easily.
When do I make the corrolation that it is connected to everything else we do? it is gratitude repaid, effort showing up sideways.....part of the fairytale.....how do we miss this? It is so good that we are going there today.....so very good...as a unit....four and a dog to run through the woods together and happy and free and floooded with knowing, flooded with magic, flooded with graciousness...taking the time to open our eyes and appreciate what has fallen into our lives.
Taking the time to watch the intricate spiderwebs that cover the untouched land.
Taking the time see ourselves as the spider.....
the intricate connections we make that hold space for us, even if forget to see it.
The webs that we walk into when we are not looking closely enough to our surroundings.
Oh this is good and I must write in here everyday....it saves so much time. Processes so quickly, records all of the insight that blows away in the wind.
I am off to pack a suitcase full of gratitude for an overnight stay in an enchanted place where dreams really do come true.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
jumping up and down
Dare I write in the middle of the day.
What am I looking for here in this page.
My children trying to harness their energy on a trapolene in the other room.
Can I get one of those? That rhythmic up and down that seems to absorb insanity.
I suppose I could just go in there and jump with them.
Oh... these days peace and struggle fluctuate so quickly... it is harder than it use to be...but that is what stretches and expands the mind....if it were so easy I would not appreciate the reward. I keep telling myself that.
My daughter just came in to tell me that the tramploene is fine, it is not done with it's body yet....so I will go in and jump...I'll let you know how it goes.
What am I looking for here in this page.
My children trying to harness their energy on a trapolene in the other room.
Can I get one of those? That rhythmic up and down that seems to absorb insanity.
I suppose I could just go in there and jump with them.
Oh... these days peace and struggle fluctuate so quickly... it is harder than it use to be...but that is what stretches and expands the mind....if it were so easy I would not appreciate the reward. I keep telling myself that.
My daughter just came in to tell me that the tramploene is fine, it is not done with it's body yet....so I will go in and jump...I'll let you know how it goes.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Hello World can you hear me?
Well, I have not been here for a while. Thinking it might spark some creative flow to write.
The paints have been put away and it seems my mind doesn't turn quite as smoothly when I think so much
So practical these days....so functional.
An interesting paradox of actions and things that I do.
bouncing back and forth shape shifting gets tiresome.
so I vow to stay liquid and flow through it all. Oh, see how quickly things emerge when you just open the door and creativity flows through. That really is the nectar of life....
what makes things grow....the ideas that turn into matter.
Realize how powerful you are and how much potential you hold. Think, create....things that were not here before you put them into motion. Can we all grasp that for a moment...we would not worry so if we could reconnect to that infinite possiblity.
The paints have been put away and it seems my mind doesn't turn quite as smoothly when I think so much
So practical these days....so functional.
An interesting paradox of actions and things that I do.
bouncing back and forth shape shifting gets tiresome.
so I vow to stay liquid and flow through it all. Oh, see how quickly things emerge when you just open the door and creativity flows through. That really is the nectar of life....
what makes things grow....the ideas that turn into matter.
Realize how powerful you are and how much potential you hold. Think, create....things that were not here before you put them into motion. Can we all grasp that for a moment...we would not worry so if we could reconnect to that infinite possiblity.
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