Wednesday, February 11, 2009

sticky dishes

Oh my
what will it be today.
I am so unsure of what will come. A word to spark inspiration
A clipping of a plant
hoping to make it grow
a sweep of leaves as the wind blows more in
a sticky bowl of oatmeal left over from the morning rush hour
a list of things to do
a quiet peace
the rustles with the struggle of being alone in that quiet
a drastic study in contrast
to quiet
heavy stillness
so much space
room to move
tasks to accomplish
things stay put until 4:30 when the process starts all over again
a new mission each week
a new goal
in the old days
a new worry.
but I'm practicing not worrying anymore
so I don't really
it wastes this precious time
After all of these years you do really get it.
be where you are
for in two years
you will look back on that time fondly
and two years ago you would have done just about anything to be where you are now.
Is that it?
the mystery
could it be that simple?
If you experience each moment fully then you are always where you need to be
always ok
not off in dream land or worryville
just where you are
doing whatever it is that you are doing
and yes...
I vow that now that I can
I will vaccum out the car once a week
and clean the shower
and I will enjoy it
damn it
I will enjoy the space I have in which to do it
and I will NOT be worrying about what else I could or should be doing
because that will show up when it is time
oh, If I could remember this all the time
well, we're getting there aren't we?
oh no silly girl...we ARE there isn't that the whole point you just made?!?!
How quickly it slips in and then out again.
Yes we are there
all the time.
I'm off to do sticky oatmeal dishes
with joy in my heart and radio turned up really loud!
Let the day take you where it may.

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