Monday, February 9, 2009


Until we meet agian
under a tangerine tree
until our feet are bare
our chests high
A question arises and fades
arises and fades
like breaths
inside a cave
the sunny day advances
with subtle whispers on the wind.
A connection
with blades of grass
skies of blue moving quickly overhead.
A folded piece of paper in my back pocket.
Worn blue jeans
comfortably fitting.
rough around the edges
just the way I like them.
I sat there with her and looked with thought
release the wall I thought
turn liquid
turn soft
and shine brighter.
a deep blue sky.
stars a twinkle. The breeze turns cooler
the soft dance of the outside noises
The wood is cool beneath my feet.
still bare
and feeling cool, confident
I move on through the night until the day breaks
and I realize the menu for the next day.
I take it in turns, in pieces
and feel hopeful that this day will sail
continue forward
bright, crisp, focused and with great intention.

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