Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Afternoon Post

here i sit at 2:06

what an interesting part of the day

it is in between worlds

not yet hurried but awareness that it is near

a reminder to stay slow

stay open

let it flow

relax those thinking muscles




feel your breath

in through your nose

out through your mouth.

*authors note

(I'm so glad I typed that because it made me realize that I say that to my son often. He is sensitive and easy to worry at times. I ask him to slow down, stop take a deep breath, in through your nose and out through mouth, I say. I ask him to feel his body, doesn't it feel better? I ask. And then I explain to him that of you are worried about something and you walk around with it and hold it. It gets bigger and begins to live in your body. That if we stop and breath and really feel it, The breath can take away our worries it can be a way for the stress to exit our bodies.( I also use this example when he worries about something and doesn't want to talk about it. I tell him that if we talk about it, it exits us, it doesn't belong to us any more, much like the breathing ......ok, so then I think..." This is so awesome. I suddennly gain this perpective of myself as a parent. ...I am teaching my children such good self awarness". This is awesome. This is how evolution happens. Generations continue to teach their children how to deal with the struggles they have fought. So one by one each human struggle diappears. For the things that children's parents did well stay with them as good things. The things that were missed or did poorly will allow the children to stuggle those struggles, learn those lessons and then add it the line of things that we will teach our children, that our parents taught us well. So, this is how evolution happens. This whole theory gives me hope that all of things that I am "missing" as a parent are the things that will make them grow stronger, grow into better people, a better generation. It gives me perspevtive on how this whole life thing works. I actually feel like I have been on this planet longe enough to have seen some growth, to see an evolution of people, of spirit. It is a gift to witness, and I am so honored to be in this place.

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