Friday, August 28, 2009

The MOrning POst

some day sI just let my fingers flow with no thought
really let it rip and it just comes out like mustard or jelly or something like that. A silly flow on condiments

I feel like jelly today

in a good kind of way

and I am having visions of winter fires and hot mugs full of hot soup
and wearing jeans and of dark nights

but for now I will enjoy this time

pink flowers that have made it all summer and a newly weeded yard

A glow of newness and steady strong streams of things coming in

feeling the crest of the waves

the light of the moon

the big earth that we are on.

That beautiful mix of deep work and the giddy anticipation of it being the first Friday of the school year.

Pizza day, family night at a fun resturant

waking up on Saturday with no rush, newspaper in bed, coffee, kids in jammies being silly

maybe some pancakes and a walk to the farmers market...well you know when it all cools down a bit.

The line between the earthly pleasures and the cellular ones is getting fuzzy and that is ok with me.

an evolution I suppose

but she was right...this is going to change everything

and that is good. because I have gotten to that place where change is the comfortable medium

it is constant and keeps me in appreciation of what is.

1 comment:

  1. You are on your path my friend...enjoy the journey. I'm so happy to witness it.
