Monday, August 31, 2009

Waking Up



With Reason

With Purpose

With Great Intention

Dropping in

Feeling my skin

All at once

My body

My Eyes

My Hands

My Thoughts

Feeling them all

as seperate

and then allowing the integration to occur






Friday, August 28, 2009

The MOrning POst

some day sI just let my fingers flow with no thought
really let it rip and it just comes out like mustard or jelly or something like that. A silly flow on condiments

I feel like jelly today

in a good kind of way

and I am having visions of winter fires and hot mugs full of hot soup
and wearing jeans and of dark nights

but for now I will enjoy this time

pink flowers that have made it all summer and a newly weeded yard

A glow of newness and steady strong streams of things coming in

feeling the crest of the waves

the light of the moon

the big earth that we are on.

That beautiful mix of deep work and the giddy anticipation of it being the first Friday of the school year.

Pizza day, family night at a fun resturant

waking up on Saturday with no rush, newspaper in bed, coffee, kids in jammies being silly

maybe some pancakes and a walk to the farmers market...well you know when it all cools down a bit.

The line between the earthly pleasures and the cellular ones is getting fuzzy and that is ok with me.

an evolution I suppose

but she was right...this is going to change everything

and that is good. because I have gotten to that place where change is the comfortable medium

it is constant and keeps me in appreciation of what is.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Treasure Hunt

An unlikely day for a treasure hunt.

Hidden jewels and fire builders

Shiny metals

Breathing wooden bowls

Hidden in the building on the side of the road.

Waiting to be reactivated

Waiting to be loved again.

Finding their new home and purpose.

What a fun mornings adventure.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Liquid Becomes Her

It trickles in until

the air begins to change

like a mirage on a hot summer road

The air begins to swirl


dancing almost

with intensity and looking for a place to land.

A brilliant yellow stream

conforms to the body

and expands

healing and shifting

like honey pouring

and glistening

and warming

thank you for this gift

Monday, August 24, 2009

For My Sweet Boy

This is for you
Our song

I am so proud of you.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Friday!

There is nothing quite as sweet as feeling like you just got to come home.

After a whirlwind

I am home.

On a cozy Friday afternoon

With my family and nothing to do but relax.

I will savor each moment

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Oh what a feeling
the words elude me
is elude really a word?

I feel as though I have returned to the magic of childhood

if only in moments

examples of hard, yucky work paying off big and making way for even, beautiful , joyful flow

It is like a river
passing over rocks, swimming around gunk, fighting currents and storms

but holding on because you just KNOW that it will not last and around the corner is sunshine

a smooth, easy ride and perhaps a surprise waterfall

this ebb and flow

following the tide

trusting the cycles

listening to what shows up around us

and KNOWING that it will all be ok

that we need to have challenge

in order to move up

each lesson harder perhaps

each reward more glorious

more lucid.

Have a beautiful day

drink in the sunshine

Monday, August 17, 2009

Chaos Before Flow

Sometimes things just need to be chaotic before they settle down into flow.

This is when the rearranging happens

Things move where they need to be

Let us remember to surrender to this process so that is does not define us with discomfort

Allowing ourselves to roll with it with make it like a ride

One that we can not control

but that we trust will take us where we need to be.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Beginings

Just as the flower begins to open in the morning light...
I feel expansion on it's way

A fresh morning dew dried by a bright beautiful sunshine that slowly encourages the opening to reveal a sacred geometry

one that has been in place for a very long time
one that repeats itself throughout nature
one that is seperate from the personality

and reminds us to remember all that we know
to bring forth those gifts
to love
to heal
to share

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sweet Afirmations

She was moved
so deeply in her heart.
She felt that connection so strongly and with such unmistakable
perfection of timing and content
and yet it was an old song to her
one with so many layers of meaning
one that stirred her soul
so very deeply
for so many years

to have it show up
capturing a moment
the exact clip so perfect
the lighting
the hair style
the view of the artist herself

sometimes gifts show up that are so big and perfect
in the tiniest packages.

Thank you for beauty in poetic perfection
for hearts all swelled up with love and for nailing it
even from far away

not missing a beat.
I love it!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

moment of clarity

Peaceful Valley
down stream

under lush green tree tops

wind crisp and warm at the same time

clarity high

and feeling that swirling energy

the kind that invisibly wraps you up

lucidly, like you are in a blanket of clear movement.

Aware of the energy outside of myself

a fire like glow on everything

a light so bright and clear it moves with nothing

it shimmers and glows and morphs

This is a vision of a moment

an understanding of time and space differently

this clarity may be fleeting but will leave it's imprint somewhere.

It will be a ripple and move out and around and back

changing things as it goes...

and so the ripple flows

onward and outward

up into the sky

and down into the earth.

sitting still, I am part of it. No different then the trees

for a moment

and then I stand and continue on my journey.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Morning Light


I got it.

A morning epiphany

Sometimes, surrender IS about not being right about everything.

It's about accepting help, accepting that you may not know the best way.

Beautifully seeing that you are kind of stubborn.

It is sometimes about giving up a battle and taking good, solid advice from your wife with out a fight, or a fuss.

So, as I realized that yes, I COULD fight this now raging sinus infection on my own, I COULD also just take a course of antibiotics and be happy that I have them around and feel better soon

and Give my wife credit

for being smart, capable, and for knowing what she is talking about...without overiding her or somehow making it my idea.

Honey.... you have lots of good ideas and I should listen to you more.

Thanks for getting me on the fast track to being back.

Love you.


It was also a great idea to park the car first at the airport instead of curbside check in.

you were right about turning left into the car rental

and packing the carseats in the suitcases would not have been a good choice.

Thank You

I love you

sometimes it takes ten years to soften someone. Thank you for your patience.

Friday, August 7, 2009

bless you

I am having a happy Friday evening all cozed up with my family.

Sometimes a cold, to slow you down can be a great thing!

Oh Blah

I will Surrender to having a cold in the middle of the summer.




Thursday, August 6, 2009

From here to there and everywhere

Biggest Bluest Skies
Rise over the Biggest, Bluest Eyes

We sit in silence
and appreciate each other

in that time and space that is us
being...right now

oh , but now, for some reason I just remembered driving around in that non-airconditioned car. Stopping at the starbucks to grab one last coffee together before you moved to Sweden. You had that crazy spider bite third eye and I wasn't about to ask about your new, huge zit in the middle of your forehead.

A little over a year ago baby in tow

new circumstances everywhere

how wild it is

that time thing

that space thing

didn't know how much I wanted you to come home until I heard you were checking flights.

Well, December will be here before you know it and damn, it's hot here in August and September!

Love flying over the big pass
to you, big girl, baby and S.Daddy

See you soon my friend, one of these fine days

and how sweet it will be.

The magic of a day at the beach

Although I almost talked myself out of it late last night...
I am so glad that today I am keeping the kids home from school/camp to go to..

"thursdays at shell beach"

I will only be able to do this two more times before real school begins.

Really, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

This is the beach where I brought my then two year old boy and four month old daughter to get out and play. That is where he learned to use the potty and she learned to take naps by the seaside.

I know that we will always frequent this awesome place, but today I will celebrate it with a big huge awareness of it's gift.

This is our kids beach...with secret tree swings and treasures to find, a foam "trampolene" and rope to push back and forth when the big waves come.

Memories of growing up and growing close.

I love this special spot

happy beach day

and to those of you living in cooler climates today, I'll make a coffee toast to you and hold a spot in the sunshine for ya!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pot of Soup


is the day

I make a big pot of healing soup.

For myself

and what a pleasure

to have a quiet house in which to slurp and fold and wash at my leisure.

Still in PJ's and on the otherside of this cold at 3:45 pm.

I will shower and start my day now.

Pick up my children with a calm peaceful smile.

I'm grateful to have had a sick day at home by myself

It's much easier to recover when you aren't taking care of others at the same time.

For those of you who are still tending to tiny ones...

your day will come

and couch, PJ's and daytime TV, much to your amazement, will still be going strong....

even if they've been on hold for 5 or so years.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Lemon Yellow

Flying in and out



tuning in.

It will be short and swift and very effective

so relax, let it take it's course.

This is well organized and the pay off will be huge.

You are in a great spot to receive.

open your arms wide and let it all flow in.

with a big ole' smile plastered on your face....

Back Home

The simple pleasures of home.
My hot shower.
My cozy bed.
My favorite coffee mug.

No matter how wonderful the getaway,
the homecoming is always sweet.

Let us remember how lucky we are to love our lives.

I love mine!