Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Surprises

Sometimes you find yourself in place you would not expect and are unsure of how you got there at that particular moment.

Then you run into a friend (MamaBird) who, like you has no children in tow and you....

walk around the corner for a totally unplanned, happy girls lunch date. Something that you both must have needed and totally enjoyed.

You stay for a long while chatting and catching up.

What a very happy surprise.

Sometimes the fates really think you need a lunch date with a good friend. I go to Dillard's maybe twice a year...what are the odds of finding each other there?

Thanks for a great lunch Mama!

We'll have to do that more often.


  1. I hope you went to Simons, where we all once dined together one kiddie camp summer :)

  2. Serendipity is so great! Remember we were talking about signposts...? A spontaneous lunch with you was a definite sign for me; you represent "the flow." And I'm happy to be in it with you!
