Monday, October 5, 2009


I am sitting in this place reminding myself of how quickly things shift.
Feeling perspective and that warm fuzzy feeling of cherished memories.
With all of this living in the present moment business (which is REALLY, REALLY important) I have also had a nice little flood of memories reminding me how sweet my life has been from doing just that....being present. having a good time. doing things that bring me joy and that feel right. I have grown tremdously, as we all have. And looking back, I can see my innocence and also my need to be where I was, when I was there. This, is what allows me to trust exactly where I am right now.

I am sitting hear and in the silences between the typing I hear the cars roll by. The sound of the tires seems to sound different just because it is fall. The light is fading earlier. That cozy feeling creeps in...

opps, I must wake my sleeping daughter and go pick up my sweet son from school. I guess this post is complete.

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