Thursday, February 10, 2011

rainy day

So, I went for the ride! A beautiful flow filled ride...for a couple of days anyway.
It was beautiful, expansive and magical.

Today, it is raining. I feel better now after a hot bath, nap, painting which I haven't done in a while. Of course there was lots of laundry, a dog walk, and light housework thrown in.

I don't love the rain, the gray days . I know this and am prepare to return to my pre-exsisting blissful state when the sun comes out again on Saturday or Sunday. I try to find sunshine in the gray days,,,,,,,but it is hard. So I give in sometimes, just being in it.

Well, my creative juice is low.....I think I will head out to get a coffee and sit in public and enjoy being out alone for a while before I pick up my sweet kids and begin the wild afternoon, homework, dinner, bath, bedtime part of the day.

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