Thursday, April 28, 2011


All of a sudden, the sweet, rhythmic swish, swish of the washing machine is as soft as a new, fresh, clean blankie on a tiny bed, ready to cuddle up to. Suddenly, I see the connection.

I think I will just listen to it for a while.....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This new study.
Sitting daily for 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes.
It takes a while for the thoughts to slow.
Glimpses of quiet, a slow rocking, dissapearing.

a feeling of softening, of shifting, then back to the body, the mind,

then back to that floaty place.
an occasional instruction from that which is not of the mind.

A foot asleep, a hip that is sore, then breath, only breath.

The result,.... a happy, calm peaceful, fully present Mother to pick up her whirling children from school. I can not wait to sit today.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Glassy morning eyes open to the color of easter eggs. sugar and chocolate and two amazing children playing in their parents bed as they let the sugar rush slow. Joyful and carefree, just as it should be!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The arrivial of a task

I fear not this challenge.

this interesting study of the mind.

The practice within the practice.

The forceful nudge to grow.

Am I on my toes?

Always beautifully tested.

Feeling the irritation and returning to the red balloon.

Pulling the string gently back down so that it rests in the proper place.

Not drifting off in to mind land, but exisiting only in present being.

If I am suddenly forced to say good-bye to something,this is one thing I would choose, I suppose.

Making me stronger and wiser and more resilient.

Understanding challenge and pushing through.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Love

One step at a time, she said

One sweet step at a time.

What did I realize on my walk today?

That you can not make a flower bloom.

You can plant the seed and watch it grow, in it's own sweet and perfect time.

And how beautiful it is to watch a flower that has been loved from it's seedling state and watched patiently open up and meet the sunshine with joy. To watch it bring bright, beautiful color to the earth, a gift indeed.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Beautiful clean sweep to start a new week.

Watching the cycles as they overlap and welcoming the fun, easy week to come.

Stillness amid chaos.

Excitement at progress.


Enjoying such simple pleasures at the children's LOVE of a fresh, new space that it theirs to occupy.

Each thing appreciated. One by one.....learning the gifts of simplicity, the gift of just being in and appreciating where I am in each given moment. Writing helps that a lot. I feel that tingly flow as I type. An affirmation of it's importance. A way for information to come in. By words, numbers, images. I am open to it all and give thanks for the presence and magic.

I love my life!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Painting Day

Streaming in
and on to
my canvas!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Complex Balance

Today I feel renewed

In my flowered skirt

a new intention and a new vision complete.

I try to explain and share, watching it wash over in tiny droplets.

Today, I feel alive. Present

Ready to explore the worlds inbetween.

Enjoying Peace of mind and clarity


and deep, deep gratitude for this journey.