Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Post in Green & Black

oh yes....
I will remember how very important it is to slow down,
and then put forth my energy into what I want to feed.

A simple equation:

feed it = it grows

Starve it = it dies

Feed what is good, what is going well

Starve negative thoughts

Feed your creativity

Starve those voices telling you what you can't do

Feed LOVE!

Starve FEAR!

Feed the beauty of the day!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Holding Light

For you...
lightness in the dark

Form Transforming

It is a beautiful thing to step back and watch an idea transform from a thought, an inspiration into something beautiful.

To realize the great potential we all have if we believe in our dreams, our hearts and our capabilities.

When something is right, it meets no resistance.

It grows and blossoms as a flower on a vine.

Today, I am truly grateful for the power of creativity and the gift of gratitude.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pitter - Patter

Slowing down enough to hear the pitter-patter of my heart.
This is such a good thing.